I Read Comic Books

Episode 400 | 400 Episodes of FOMO

Episode Summary

This week's episode is the 9th anniversary and 400TH episode of IRCB! Mike, Danny, Zach, and Nick talk a whole slew of comics (including "Behold, Behemoth", Cobra Commander #1, Our Bones Dust #2, "Stray" and MORE), plus they discuss the last year of IRCB, some upcoming exciting plans, and celebrate all things IRCB!

Episode Notes

This week's episode is the 9th anniversary and 400TH episode of IRCB, recorded live on Twitch! Mike, Danny, Zach, and Nick talk a whole slew of comics (including "Behold, Behemoth", Cobra Commander #1, Our Bones Dust #2, "Stray" and MORE), plus they discuss the last year of IRCB, some upcoming exciting plans, and celebrate all things IRCB!

Check out Zach's podcast, Comics That We Love: https://kite.link/the-comics-that-we-love

Check out Danny's YouTube channel, Next Issue Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@nextissuepodcast

Check out the photos mentioned in this week's show: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/97aebjx056zsc5ujvnq1d/h?rlkey=9dlg7ye7uo8kj6hvshwvm877h&dl=0

Episode 400 Cover: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lz7iutsc5q6q6juwdt2g7/episode_400.png?rlkey=8xnh1pkfmoaq3mo80du7gdt3b&dl=0


Music provided by Infinity Shred. Find them on Bandcamp.


IRCB Logo by Kyle Rose

Producer: Mike Rapin
Prooflistener: Paul Jaissle
Editor: Zander Riggs